Tryouts for the girls soccer team will begin on Monday, Febraury 10th and will last from 3:00 - 5:00; rides must be secured and student-athletes are expected to be picked up promptly after each tryout session they are a part of. Tryouts will be done by grade level at first. Each student-athlete will initially have to prove they can run one-mile around the track without stopping. Student-athletes that stop running at any point will automatically be cut and will not be allowed to continue with tryouts.
The girls tryout schedule for 2025:
2-10-25 - 6th Grade Only
2-11-25 - 7th grade Only
2-12-25 - 6th and 7th call backs
2-13-25 - 8th Grade Only
2-18-25 - All Grade Level CALL BACKS
2.19-25 - All Grade Level CALL BACKS (Final Cuts and Final Roster)
In order to tryout for the soccer team, student-athletes MUST have BOTH physical and concussion forms completed and on file with the school. These forms can be found on the activities page. Student-athletes without this information completed will NOT be able to tryout.